Eden Club

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Various oriental incense and massage oils, relaxing baths with herbs, fragrant foam or salts, nice music and a colorful interior of each massage room in the club - all of it is a paradise on earth for every man. Visit our massages you will realize that the state of nirvana, and peace of mind has become available to you in Moscow around the clock.

Our advantages: our massage parlor and a convenient location, luxurious apartments with different interiors, a private entrance and convenient parking. We do not have the downsides - we give you health and happiness.

Verfügbar für Nachrichten
Incall, erotische Massage, klassische Massage, Thai-Massage, Sakura-Massage
Preis pro Stunde
Von 1200 rub
Englischer Russe
Anzahl der arbeitenden Mädchen (nur für Agenturen, Clubs oder Salons)